Sunday, April 1, 2007

Big Boy Bed

The time has come for Mr. Riley to graduate to a "Big Boy Bed". First we took down the crib.

Riley had to consult with Mr. Monkeyskunk to see what he thought about the new bed.
R: "What do you think Monkeyskunk?"
MS: "I think your big boy bed it's so tool Ri"

Of course, the frame daddy had didn't make into a full size bed. So after much manipulation, and a trip back to the furniture store......a happy 3 year old!

Of course the whole "family" had to make the move too. Monkeyskunk, Tigs, Both Jeffrey's, horsey, bunny, and of course his stuffed pillow. You can also see the aquariam made the move too, so ri can "listen to the pertty music"

2 hours past bedtime, it's time for bookies!

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