Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter!

We started out Saturday afternoon by "painting eggs" Riley wants to trade his painted eggs to the easter bunny for some candy and some chocolate bunnies.

So we got the eggs ready and loaded them up into Riley's Soccer Ball easter basket.

One funny conversation developed:

Daddy: Riley why don't we write the Easter bunny a note about what you are hoping he brings you.

Riley: No thanks daddy, I would rather just email him instead. (as he's heading towards the computer and starts typing on the computer). Daddy, I'm gonna tell him I want a chocolate bunny and a water gun.

Just what every 3 year old needs from the easter bunny. A chocolate bunny and a water gun!

We came down to find the Easter bunny had eaten the cookies riley baked for him and also left a water gun and a Bob the Builder bulldozer.

We have now named him Dumpy. I have a feeling we're gonna have a K-State Wildcat on our hands....a 3 year old on a tractor equiped for anything in his path!


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